Live Video
We usually (but not always) broadcast and archive our meetings—this depends on the nature of the event, and agreement of our presenters and demo folks. We broadcast via the LDG YouTube Channel. (Videos may contain adult oriented discussion, so you'll need to log in and verify your age.)
Upcoming Programs with Video
Past Programs With Video

Everything you ever wanted to know about stomping or trampling. Have you ever wanted to walk all over someone literally? See Bamm-Bamm do it.
Steve will talk about his legendary techniques for sensual whipping and history organizing leather groups. He'll also do a live sensuous whipping demonstration. This is a rare chance to hear the perspective of one of San Francisco’s iconic leathermen.
Does the leather community benefit from marching in the parade? The leather contingent gets placed closer to the end of the parade year after year. Is SF Pride trying to hide us from view?
Punching is visceral and something many of us experience for the first time at a young age without consent. Joe Gallagher, IML ’96 will demonstrate how to bring this into your play with increasing degrees of consent. Joe says he can talk someone into anything, come watch him do it, this is a demo not to be missed!
Join us for an evening with Hardy Haberman as he talks about pain and how to use it.
Click on the title for the full description and video.
A guided tour through the history of Folsom's Dirty Little Brother, Up Your Alley fair and it's role in the transition of leather titles from promoting porn, parties and beer to fundraising vehicles.
Humiliation scenes involve some intense psychological dynamics, and come in a variety of expressions. On one hand, humiliation can mean "putting someone in their place" - protocols and actions that reinforce a submissive or beta position. On the other hand, humiliation can mean playing with embarrassment and shame. This presentation will discuss shame, disgust, and embarrassment - and why some are attracted to this kind of scene. The presentation will also discuss the ways in which humiliation can reinforce a power exchange dynamic. We will also discuss emotional triggers, negotiating boundaries, and aftercare. We will also demonstrate some of the dynamics and dissect a humiliation scene.
In 1984 the controversy over bathhouses and the AIDS crisis, sexual freedom and public health erupted into a political battle. With a skyrocketing increase of AIDS deaths, a fight within the gay community, city hall, and the medical community erupted, fueling passions on all sides. A vibrant sex culture collapsed, and the aftermath affects us 30 years later.
Rich Stadmiller has taken photos at community leather events and posted them on his website, for 10 years this April. There are more than 250,000 images on his website in addition to thousands of photos he took before going digital. These photos document San Francisco leather events and Leathermen in an unprecedented way.
Join us for an evening in conversation with Rich Stadtmiller, the evening will include an interview, slideshow, and Q&A.
Puppy play has been one of the fastest growing fetishes in recent years. Some see it as a gateway kink with its elements of dominance and submission, punishment and reward. Pups shed their human persona and live in the moment as they take on their pup identity. Pup Handlers establish dominance over their human pups. Brue will share his experience in both pup and handler roles
The evening will include an interview, a demo and Q&A. If you would like to try being a pup or handler for the first time, arrive early, a limited number of spaces will be available for demo participants from the audience.
Is a leather title necessary to take a leadership role? What compels contestants to run? What do we expect of titleholders and how has that changed over time? Are titleholders meeting the BDSM/Leather/Fetish community’s expectations? Are there too many title contests? What would the community look like without titles?
Join us and our panelists for a conversation on these questions and more. There will be time for Q&A, bring your questions for our panelists. Submit question suggestions by clicking here.
Please note the new location for this program: the SF LGBT Community Center, 1800 Market Street.
Never in our program director's memory have so many men so consistently requested a program on the same topic. The shock and sadness of a friend's or community figure's sudden suicide; the quiet shame of the heavy player nobody sees anymore, because he can't get out of bed; the retreat from the community of the guy who doesn't know how to explain, much less manage...