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7:30 PM19:30

Savor The Kink

LDG Presents: Savor The Kink

This March, we’re serving up something deliciously decadent! Join us for an enticing exploration of Food Kinks, where we’ll dig into the tantalizing connections between food and fetish.

We have some ideas about where we would like to see the discussion go, but … we’re hungry for your input! (See what we did there?)

A conversation exploring the allure of gainer/feeder dynamics, the symphony of mukbang-style food sounds, or the fantastical world of vore is where our minds went, but if you know anyone into any kind of food-related kink, please reach out via!

Whether you’re an experienced player-with-food-er or just curious, come hungry for knowledge and connection. This is one feast you won’t want to miss!

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7:30 PM19:30

Unleash Your Inner Beast: Primal Play

LDG Presents: Unleash Your Inner Beast: Primal Play

Are you ready to strip away the constraints of civility and embrace the raw, untamed energy that lies within?

Join us for an electrifying evening exploring the art of Primal Play—a visceral, instinct-driven expression of connection, power, and release.

This program will introduce you to the primal headspace, guiding you to tap into your most instinctual self while ensuring safety, ethics, and clear communication.

Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with your wild side and join a community ready to howl, growl, and prowl alongside you.

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7:30 PM19:30

Caring for Community and Self in Challenging Times

LDG Presents: Caring for Community and Self in Challenging Times

2025 is already a little bit of a lot, so … let’s get into it together!

Join SF LDG and therapists Percy R. Castellanos, Cal J. Domingue, Dre M. Irizarry, and Anna Randall for a discussion on the different ways we respond and cope, and how our community can be a place of refuge and support.  

In the spirit of community, we’re looking for your (anonymous!) feedback to ensure we cover the most relevant information to you. To help us help you, please fill out this form by January 20th:

Think of it as a Post-Election Support Group, only funner!  

To sign up to volunteer go to:

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1:00 PM13:00

Volunteer Appreciation & Holiday Party

LDG Volunteer Appreciation & Holiday Party

No programs or demos. It’s that most wonderful time of the year when we say THANK YOU to the Volunteers and Presenters that continue to bring LDG to life. Join us for some lovely catered noshes from MamaBear’s Kitchen, some softer and harder libations, and community to celebrate all of you and another successful year of LDG. And, because this is a party for volunteers, we are not asking any of you to lift a finger!

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7:30 PM19:30

Trans Men in Kink

LDG Presents: Trans Men in Kink

Join SFLDG on Wednesday, November 20, 2024, from 7:30-9:30pm, at Transform1060 as we showcase a brilliant and diverse panel of 5 trans men who will discuss their unique perspectives and experiences within the kink community.

Our panelists are (pictured above L to R) Apaulo Hart (photo credit: BetterRugged), Gauge Strongarm, Louis Milne, Damien Meson aka Corso ONYX, and Mike Hernandez.

This will be an authentic, sexy, and informative conversation, so bring along your curiosity as we open the door to another level of connection, scenes, and play!

If you are NOT a trans man yourself, we’re looking for your (anonymous!) feedback to help us ensure we cover the most relevant information for the community. To that end, *please* fill out this short survey by October 30:

If you would like to learn more about terminology that will be used in this program please check out these resources:

The Genderbread Person version 4.

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7:30 PM19:30

Horny Monsters & Dangerous Men: Erotic Horror Comics

LDG Presents - Horny Monsters & Dangerous Men: Erotic Horror Comics

Sexy and scary are two great tastes that taste great together!

Join San Francisco cartoonist Justin Hall as he breaks down the connections between erotic and horror comics and how they overlap in tales of horny monsters, dangerous men, and terrifying scenes.

With a combination of slideshows, comics readings, and theoretical discussion, this presentation will be all of the candy you need this Halloween season!

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7:30 PM19:30

House of Leather

  • 1277 Mission Street San Francisco, CA, 94103 United States (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

LDG & ONYX NW present: House of Leather

This month’s program is a collaboration between Tom of Finland Foundation (ToFF), San Francisco Leathermen’s Discussion Group (SFLDG), and the KTF Films Production Team.

The event will feature an exclusive screening of select scenes from feature-length documentary House of Leather and short documentary boys.

Providing an introduction for the two documentaries, the discussion will highlight the importance of supporting emerging LGBTQ artists and how the enduring legacy of Tom of Finland Artist in Residency (TOFF AiR) Program offers to diverse young generations of artists internationally an opportunity to nurture their craft and explore their creative freedom of expression. 

The panel will feature filmmaker Jamison Rockmore, multidisciplinary artists and filmmaker Donald C. Shorter Jr., current ToFF Artist in Resident Michael Espinoza, and ToFF Board of Directors Graylin Thornton (San Francisco) and Ayité Okyne (Los Angeles). The group will discuss the ToFF AiR program, its impacts, and offer attendees the opportunity to support ToFF AiR.

House of Leather - Director: Jamison Rockmore / Producer: Nicolas Blanco / Producer: Don Hardy / Producer: Justin Levy

Currently in post-production, the film explores Tom of Finland’s counterculture legacy through the eyes of three international artists visiting in 2022 for residencies at TOM House. Created by former TOM House resident, AFI graduate Jamison Rockmore, the narrative follows a new generation of artists as they live and work at TOM House, drawing firsthand inspiration from Tom's legacy and growing their individual/unique art practices.

Set at the bohemian commune where famed erotic artist Tom of Finland lived and worked, House of Leather follows two queer artists from Asia and a Trans artist from Michigan, visiting for summer residencies. As these young heroes explore their creative identities in the context of gay history, the multi-generational community rallies to protect their safe place, advancing Tom’s legacy of freedom in a modern era.

boys is a short documentary that features leather boys giving personal accounts of how this form of identity has led to a spiritual awakening and radical self-acceptance.

Featuring: boy Cole / boy Donald / boy Mikey / boy Nick / DARKQWOLF / LTHR PIPE DADDY / Ty David Lerman. Producer/Director/Cinematographer/Editor: Donald C. Shorter Jr.

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3:00 PM15:00

End of Summer Sunday Beer & Soda Bust

LDG Presents: End of Summer Sunday Beer & Soda Bust

Join us on Sunday, August 25th at The SF Eagle for a Beer & Soda Bust. Unwind, make connections, share stories, and connect with like-minded individuals. Who knows what the evening will bring?! Plan your next play date or collab, all while supporting SFLDG as that Sunday’s Bust Beneficiary.

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to Aug 18

Fetish Fair Weekend - Saturday Play Party

ONYX Northwest Presents: Play House

Step right up and don’t be shy, cum into the Play House where fun and sexy surprises wait around every corner. Turn a look then take it off! Join the men of ONYX Northwest to celebrate all bodies and expressions of sensuality.

$25 Early Bird Tix // $30 Regular Tix // $40 Day Of Tix

Get your ticket in advance for faster entry. Purchase tickets via here:

The party starts immediately after the SF LDG Fetish Fair and is open to all Gay/Queer/Non Binary/Trans male identifying or centering folk, of all body types, expression, and with a focus on BIPOC inclusion and accessibility.

If you are a QTBIPOC man/male centering and need financial support to attend, email

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2:30 PM14:30

Fetish Fair Weekend - Saturday Panels

LDG Presents: Fetish Fair 2024

Indulge in a thrilling event featuring captivating discussions and hands-on demos. Sign up for sessions below.

Note: We’re using a “volunteer signup” form, because it’s free and easy! Suggested donation of $10 for each participant per session, but no one will be turned away for lack of funds.



Sign up for one topic here:

  • Palms, Paddles, & Canes with Daddy Robert

  • Hot Wax for Pleasure & Pain with Daddy Jacob

  • Erotic Hypnosis with Mr. Munter

  • Single Ropes Ties with Victor

  • Fisting with Wolf


Sign up for one topic here:

  • Knots for Leather Scenes with Victor

  • Knife Play with Flicker

  • Rehearsing Consent with Noether

  • Nipple Play 101 with Sir Badger Bear

  • Skin Play with Sir Feather

  • Roleplay with Raj


Sign up for one topic here:

  • Deeper Impact Play with Daddy Robert

  • Gags are No Joke with Mr. Munter

  • Mummification & Suspension with Sir Dion X

  • Seducing Further Consent with Joe Gallagher

  • Single Tail Whip 101 with Bill

  • Sensual Cock Flogging with Sir Feather

You can also support the day's programming by—you guessed it—volunteering! Help keep snacks stocked, or stay a little late to break down at the end. [Note: Shifts are timed so volunteers can still attend presenter sessions!] If you’d like to volunteer, pick your slot here:

Want to come but not sure what classes to take? Signing up ahead of time helps us plan, but if you're unsure, come anyway and we'll help you find open spaces in a class or two that's good for you!

The event culminates in Play House a men's play party hosted by ONYX Northwest. More information here. And, as a little treat, if you register for Fetish Fair, you’ll get a discount code for a $15 ticket the ONYX Northwest play party.

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7:00 PM19:00

PoHo No-Ho(st) Social

LDG Presents: PoHo No-Ho(st) Social

July’s program is … no program at all! It is the week of Dore, so instead of our usual kind of event we’re inviting everyone to a no-host social at PoHo (Powerhouse - 1347 Folsom St & Dore).

Come hang out with old friends, make some new connections, and see what trade has rolled into town early.

Our social will run from 7pm-9pm, feeding directly into Mr. S Leather’s Dirty Alley: Dore Edition.

Feel free to stay after 9pm and join Mr. S Leather as they take over the Powerhouse for an evening of demos and debauchery. A great way to get your Dore weekend started!

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7:30 PM19:30

Daddy Solutions For Your Daddy Issues

LDG Presents: Daddy Solutions For Your Daddy Issues

A Top is for tonight.

A Dom lasts as long as the sub is willing to submit. 

And a Master serves until the slave is no longer a slave. 

But a Daddy? ... A Daddy is forever.

LDG is celebrating Dad's Day by examining both the soft and raw edges of this relational role play. 

Hosted by Daddy Robert, we will have a lively conversation and workshop some hot scenes with Pup Scout, an aspiring daddy and boy. But which is which? And can they switch?

We'll provide some clarity around the responsibilities, the perks, and the work needed to be a Daddy. Like any good scene you won't always be comfortable; you will be challenged and, most importantly, safe. 

We’ll even delve into whether a good Daddy can be a model for addressing community issues at large.

So join LDG for a Happy Daddy’s Day to me and you and your boy too.

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7:30 PM19:30

14 Days in Franklin County

LDG Presents: 14 Days in Franklin County

May’s program will feature Yossie Silverman who will share his experience of spending 14 days riveted in shackles at the Franklin County Historic Jail in Iowa.

Yossie Silverman

At 61, Yossie has been kinky, into leather, and playing for more than half his life. For much of that time, he has been an associate member of Chicago Hellfire Club, The 15 Association, and an elder in Black Leather Wings. His kink interests are far and wide; from bondage, corporal punishment, jail role-play, to piercing ritual, and more. Yossie is most often a top, but has, and remains, an occasional heavy bottom. He is known for: his online handcuff collection, which has served as a launching point and validation for many kinky folk all over the world; his “Jail” where he has “hosted” prisoners and chain gangs; and his energy hook pull rituals and flesh-hook suspensions.

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7:30 PM19:30

A Field Guide to Kinky Summer Camp

LDG Presents: A Field Guide to Kinky Summer Camp

Curious about exploring your kinks outside of the usual urban dark corners? Craving some exciting community-building this summer? Come learn more about Kinky Summer Camps.

Attracting men from all over, while offering multiple dungeons and play spaces, is no small feat; summer kink events require a lot of volunteers, finances, and coordination. LDG is honored to host representatives from four major Kinky Summer Camp events across the country to discuss how they do it and how you can join in on the fun.

Speakers from GearUp Weekend, Boot Camp, Delta, and Inferno—events collectively running for over 120 years of summer kink adventures (That's longer than the Boy Scouts!)—will be on-hand to lay out what they have to offer you.

We'll cover the essential 5 W's of who, where, when, why, and what (to pack). Plus, the panel will get into what it takes to organize these events, managing your summer bandwidth, some barriers to entry, and they’ll debunk some myths about these unique events.

Come pop a tent with LDG!

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7:30 PM19:30

LDG Presents: Raj on Roleplay BDSM

LDG Presents: Raj on Roleplay BDSM

Many mundane real-world situations naturally invite BDSM fantasies. Think prisoner and interrogator, drill sergeant and recruit, or doctor and patient. We've all watched movies where these power dynamics play out in sexually charged ways. With a little practice, we can do those things in real life while exploring all the sexual possibilities within them that the movies can't.

This program will discuss how to translate your wildest roleplay fantasies into scenes you can do in real life. We'll talk about how to agree with your partner on a fiction and tone, how to maintain potentially fragile headspaces while you play, and how to make improvisational offers during play without breaking the scene. When you're done, you'll have new tools to use to make your wildest fetishy dreams come true!

Raj has been active in the BDSM world since 2011. He is a member of The 15 Association and has been a mentor in the SF LDG Mentoring Program. He enjoys pony play, coach/player, military, and ancient Roman-themed roleplay BDSM scenes.

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7:30 PM19:30

Paul King presents his work: "Alan Oversby: Documentary Evidence"

LDG Presents: Paul King, Author of "Alan Oversby: Documentary Evidence"

This presentation by Paul King delves into the process of creating the first book written about London's legendary gay leatherman tattoo artist and body piercer, Alan Oversby aka Mr. Sebastian. Oversby gained international "notoriety" for being one of the gay men arrested and convicted for consensual BDSM practices. The legal consequences still shape UK law today. This presentation discusses the first public viewing of photos, material objects, and extensive interviews from the June 2022 exhibition of Mr. Sebastian and the Rise of the UK Piercing Industry and the accompanying book, Alan Oversby: Documentary Evidence. This presentation world premiered at Bishopsgate Fetish Archive, London, 2022. The LDG February 2024 presentation will be the US premiere.

Paul King has been a professional body piercer since 1991. He has lectured on body modification since 1993. He apprenticed for 18 months under Elayne Angel, master piercer and author of The Piercing Bible. He worked in all three former Gauntlet locations, managed LA and NYC and was awarded the title of Master Piercer. He has a UC Berkeley B.A. degree in Anthropology. In 1999, Paul King partnered to create Cold Steel Piercing in San Francisco. In 2007, he received the APP’s President’s Award for contributions to the Piercing Industry. He has served as a board-appointed treasurer of the APP since 2008. In 2022, he published his book Alan Oversby: Documentary Evidence, edited interviews about Mr. Sebastian. In 2014, with the support of the APP board elect, Paul King founded the Body Piercing Archive:

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7:30 PM19:30

Our Kink Journeys: LDG’s Mentoring Program and the Role of Mentoring in Our Development

LDG Presents: Our Kink Journeys: LDG’s Mentoring Program and the Role of Mentoring in Our Development.

Each of us has a particular and unique journey when it comes to our leather, kink, and fetish. We have low points and high points, turning points, and holding spaces that mark our identities as leathermen. We will hear from four mentees from the 2023 LDG Mentoring Program as they share their kink journeys, and the role of mentoring and the program for them. This is a time to honor and reflect on the importance of personal guides, past lovers, and people who took us under their wing. We’ll talk about the upcoming 2024 LDG Mentoring Program cycle and have time for questions.

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1:00 PM13:00

Volunteer Appreciation & Holiday Party

LDG Volunteer Appreciation & Holiday Party

No programs or demos. It’s that most wonderful time of the year when we say THANK YOU to the Volunteers and Presenters that continue to bring LDG to life. Join us for some lovely catered noshes from MamaBear’s Kitchen, some softer and harder libations, and community to celebrate all of you and another successful year of LDG.

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7:30 PM19:30

LDG Presents: Promoting Pleasure & Well-Being in the Kink Community

LDG Presents: Promoting Pleasure & Well-Being in the Kink Community

In this presentation, Dr. Eric FitzMedrud will present a multidimensional model of well-being that includes sexual, mental, and community health. We'll then build on that model to discuss ways we can use it to address our needs. 

Eric FitzMedrud is a therapist specializing in relationship and sexual issues in the San Francisco Bay Area. His specialty is helping men improve their sex lives by learning to regulate their emotions, and honing their sexual consent and negotiation skills. FitzMedrud is a member of the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists. He has been published in two academic books, a journal, has spoken at multiple conferences, and has been a guest on over a dozen podcasts. He has also trained therapists and taught many graduate courses in psychology. FitzMedrud has a PhD in Clinical Psychology from the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology. He is polyamorous, kinky, and bisexual, and lives with his wife of twenty-three years and his life partner of six years in San Francisco’s East Bay area, California.

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7:30 PM19:30

Fun with Furries!

LDG Presents: Fun with Furries!

Lions, and Rabbits, and Dogs! Oh my!

Join us for a discussion with folks who live and breathe the world of anthropomorphism.

What’s being a Furry all about? What’s a fursona? How does it all work … mechanically? What goes on at conventions? How do you break into the scene? How do furries fit into the broader kink community?

All this and more will be revealed, so come with your curiosity, questions, and (if you have it) gear!

**This program will not be recorded, so come in person if you’re interested!**

Our Fun with Furries! panelists will be:

  • Raj, who’s been an active BDSM player since 2011 and a furry since 2014. He’s a mentor in the LDG mentoring program, and is also a lion.

  • Loki, aka Warren the Bunslinger, has been an active member of the leather community since 1997 first in Atlanta, then DC, and now in Oakland. He developed his fursona of Warren the Bunslinger as a cross between his furry and steampunk costuming interests.

  • CoreyDog has been pretending to be a dog on the internet for 20 years, and has been delighted at the opportunity to do so in person in BDSM contexts for almost as long, all while exploring the Venn Diagram overlaps of animal roleplay for both fun and pleasure.

**This program will not be recorded, so come in person if you’re interested!**

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10:00 AM10:00

LDG Clothing Check at Folsom Street Fair

Volunteer positions are now open for our coat/clothes check booth on Sunday, September 24th. By volunteering you are helping LDG continue hosting the outstanding programs we all love.

What to expect: welcome folks, handle donations, assign numbers, and hand back clothes. It's a great way to meet new people, connect with friends, and make a difference! You also get to stay in the shade, watch sexy people strip their clothing off and you get snacks.

Sign up to work the booth, help raise funds and awareness for the Leathermen’s Discussion Group… and if you sign-up with your friends you ensure you can work together while enjoying the sights and sounds of the fair. It’s an amazing way to meet new people, spend time with friends and connect with members of the community.

Take a few seconds to sign up here:

Thank you for volunteering as always...we couldn't do it without you!

The LDG Board of Directors

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to Aug 20

Fetish Fair Weekend - Saturday Play Party

Saturday, August 19th, come to 1060 Folsom and get down and dirty from 8:30pm - 1:00am (doors close at 11pm). The GearUp party starts immediately after the SF LDG Fetish Fair. All levels welcome; newcomers encouraged! Free clothes check offered through SOMA Guardians (Tips are appreciated!).

$30 gets you access to some of the kinkiest men (& Trans men are men!) in SF. Enjoy a 2-level play space equipped with two St. Andrews crosses, fuck benches, fuck beds, and a variety of kink-related gear. You’re welcome to bring your own gear, restraints, rope, floggers, etc.

Volunteering is a great introduction to the space, to meet the men of GearUp, and allows you to attend the party for free. Signup here: If you have to cancel or are unable to fulfill your volunteer obligation, please email

Get your ticket in advance for faster entry. Purchase tickets via Eventbrite here:

Then, join us on Sunday, August 20th at The Edge for a Beer & Soda Bust (to volunteer go to: Unwind, make connections, share stories, and connect with like-minded individuals. Plan your next play date or a collab for a next year’s Fetish Fair. Who knows what the evening will bring?!

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3:00 PM15:00

Fetish Fair Weekend - Saturday Panels

Immerse yourself in a weekend of exploration and excitement!

On Saturday, August 19th, indulge in a thrilling 3-hour "Sampler" event featuring captivating discussions and hands-on demos. Discover the realms of impact play, flogging, rope bondage, deep role play, knife play, single tail, skin play, and sensual cock flogging. Sign up for sessions below!

The event culminates in a men's play party hosted by GearUp Men's Weekend. Signup to volunteer for the play party here:

Then, join us on Sunday, August 20th at The Edge for a Beer & Soda Bust. Unwind, make connections, share stories, and connect with like-minded individuals. Signup to volunteer here:

Don't miss this unforgettable weekend of pleasure, education, and camaraderie. Mark your calendars and prepare to embark on a journey that will leave you exhilarated and wanting more.

Reserve your spot now

(We’re using a “volunteer signup” form, because it’s free and easy!)

Session A (3:30pM-4:45PM, $10 suggested donation)

Sign Up for one topic here:

  • Hot Wax, for Pleasure & Pain with Daddy Jacob
    A hands-on demo for doms & subs on using hot wax safely for pleasure and pain. Daddy Jacob will demonstrate his sensual approach to hot wax play and discuss overcoming fears of hot wax, equipment/materials needed, controlling a sub & the session, aftercare, avoiding skin burn & fire safety.

  • Impact Tools & Play with Daddy Robert

  • Pallet Wrap Bondage with SFDom
    Pallet Wrap, like cling wrap or Saran Wrap, offers an easy way to play safer and enjoy bondage with less fuss and more play time! Learn how wrap is safer than rope, what issues to avoid, and the power and versatility of this “kink from the kitchen” bondage tool.

  • Rope Bondage: Introduction and Demo with Victor aka @ropeism

    Get an overview of various types of rope, learn some basic rope bondage safety concepts, and experience demonstrations of different techniques of all levels - including some immobilization ties and a partial suspension.

Session B (5:00PM-6:15PM, $10 suggested donation)

Sign up for one topic here:

  • Knife Play with Flicker
    Learn how to create pleasurable and painful sensations with a knife (without cutting!) and demonstrate how to convey a soft or harsh emotional tone with each. This class is about saying something with your tools as much as it is about knifeplay, so come even if you aren't sure you like knives!

  • Male Chastity with Wolf
    The fetish and practice of Male Chastity comes up frequently in many SF sex forums. Wolf has played with a variety of devices for short and longer term chastity, and he’s is here to share. He is well-read on the topic and moderates two chastity chats on Telegram and participates in several others on social media. Bring your questions for a fun discussion (with Show ‘n Tell) for locked guys, keyholders, and the cage-curious from either side.

  • Roleplay with Raj
    Many common sexual fantasies are hot but either unethical or unsafe to experience in real life. In this section, we'll talk about techniques that can get you as close to those fantasies as possible while staying ethical and safe.

  • Skin-Play & Sensual Cock Flogging with Richard Anderson
    Awaken the entire landscape of your skin to pleasurable sensations, generate erotic energy, get endorphins flowing, and make an intimate connection between players. Richard will show how to use your hands and perverted household items (gloves, sponges, brushes…) to deliver a range of delightful sensations. Learn the advantages of using skin-play to warm up a sub’s body and open his mind. Richard will also share expertise from forty years of experimenting with “sensual cock flogging,” and demonstrate how he uses short floggers and slappers to brush, lift, or tickle a cock into an excited state.

Session C (6:30PM-7:45PM, $10 suggested donation)

Sign up for one topic here:

  • Single Tail Whip Play 101 with Bill B
    Learn about single tail whips in kink play, at the “101” level - including a demonstration, some tastings and possibly individual coaching.

  • Duct Tape Mummification with SFDom
    Duct Tape Mummification is fun from the hardware store at its best! So many guys love to be immobilized, and duct tape provides a versatile, flexible way to fit any body shape or size. Discuss safety secrets, speed vs beauty, and tricks of the experts in this lively session.

  • Flogging with Daddy Robert

  • Rope Bondage: Theory and Lab with Victor aka @ropeism

    Learn some of the theoretical foundations of rope bondage including some simple patterns an introductory curriculum. This session blends theoretical learning with an opportunity for hands-on practice, providing you with a solid introduction to the world of rope bondage.

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10:00 AM10:00

Clothing Check For Up Your Alley

Hey LDG Family!

Volunteer positions are open for our coat/clothes check booth on Sunday, July 30th at Up Your Alley and Folsom Street®. By joining us, you support LDG and qualify us for a grant that fuels our cherished programs.

What to expect: Stay shaded, welcome folks, handle donations, assign numbers, and hand back clothes. It's a great way to meet new people, connect with friends, and make a difference!

Limited spaces available, so sign up now!

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7:30 PM19:30

Leather & Lace: Guard HOOOO?! on Our Shared History with The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

LDG Presents: Leather & Lace: Guard HOOOO?! on Our Shared History with The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence

This Pride month, at the San Francisco LGBT Community Center (The Center), the San Francisco Leathermen's Discussion Group (SFLDG) welcomes Guard HOOOO?!, the Master of Archives for the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc. (The Sisters/SPI).

Join SFLDG and Guard HOOOO?! as we delve into the rich and intertwined histories of The Sisters and the leather and kink community. We will discuss The Sisters' values, challenges, and triumphs over the last four decades, and everyone will have the opportunity to view physical artifacts from the private SPI Archive.

Kinksters, fans of The Sisters, and those curious about either are welcome. Come along for the ride as we celebrate the meaningful contributions of The Sisters and their lasting influence on the leather and kink community.

For more information about SFLDG and to stay updated on this event and future gatherings, please visit our website at To learn more about the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, Inc., their mission, their remarkable work, and how to join, please visit

See you at The Center!

Did you miss the June 2023 program? Check out the slide deck below.

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7:30 PM19:30

Learning the Ropes with Victor

LDG Presents: Learning the Ropes with Victor

This month, we’ll be welcoming Victor to LDG. Relatively new to the SF Leather scene, Victor has quickly established himself in the community and has become somewhat of a rope expert along the way. We’ll be talking to him about his perspectives and experiences breaking into the scene, and then he’ll take us through a demo showing off some of his rope skills.

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7:30 PM19:30

LDG Presents: Blue Movie with Stephan Ferris

LDG Presents: Blue Movie with Stephan Ferris

This month, we're excited to chat with attorney, community activist, and author Stephan Ferris (aka Blue Bailey) about his book, 'Blue Movie: Scenes From the Life of a Sexual Outlaw'. Through a brutally honest and graphic depiction of sex, addiction, and recovery, Stephan shares his story in a comedic and episodic horror style that you won't be able to look away from. Join us as we talk with Stephan about what it was like to live his story and share it with the world.

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7:30 PM19:30

Daddy Robert's "Five Types" system for saving a scene

‘I’m on a mission to encourage deeper, more satisfying leather sex.” 

Through trial and error Robert has found that identifying 5 types of BDSM preferences can help save a scene and rehabilitate something that could go sour.

Through discussion of these five types, illustrating anecdotes, and workshopping real life experiences we will explore how awareness of these five types can save a scene from going off the rails.  Those new to BDSM will defiantly expand their kink vocabulary.  Long time BDSM players will find new tools in their psychological toy bag.

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