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14 Days in Franklin County

  • Transform1060 1060 Folsom Street San Francisco, CA, 94103 United States (map)

LDG Presents: 14 Days in Franklin County

May’s program will feature Yossie Silverman who will share his experience of spending 14 days riveted in shackles at the Franklin County Historic Jail in Iowa.

Yossie Silverman

At 61, Yossie has been kinky, into leather, and playing for more than half his life. For much of that time, he has been an associate member of Chicago Hellfire Club, The 15 Association, and an elder in Black Leather Wings. His kink interests are far and wide; from bondage, corporal punishment, jail role-play, to piercing ritual, and more. Yossie is most often a top, but has, and remains, an occasional heavy bottom. He is known for: his online handcuff collection, which has served as a launching point and validation for many kinky folk all over the world; his “Jail” where he has “hosted” prisoners and chain gangs; and his energy hook pull rituals and flesh-hook suspensions.

Earlier Event: April 24
A Field Guide to Kinky Summer Camp