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Getting Through the Holidays - A special 2020 episode


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Getting Through the Holidays - A special 2020 episode


2020 has been an intensely stressful year, and it will continue straight through the holidays. We are dealing with illness and isolation due to COVID-19, an extremely polarized social and political climate that impacts our relationships with friends and family, the loss of our leather spaces and events, and most of all the uncertainty of the times we live in. How does one get through the holidays?

Richard Sprott and Cal Domingue will discuss how we can deal with burnout, boredom, loneliness, depression, relationship conflicts, anxiety - all of the fun stuff that now makes up our 2020 experience. We will touch on issues of suicidal thoughts and impulses, which have been increasing given the stress we are under. Finding ways to connect, restore and strengthen our relationships with each other is one way to get through the holidays.

About our presenters:

Dr. Richard Sprott is a developmental psychologist and he researches the health and well-being of the kink community. Richard is the director of the LDG Mentoring Program, and he has been involved in the SF kink community since 1990.

Cal Domingue is a San Francisco-based Marriage and Family Therapist, with a long history of working with clients in the LGBT, BDSM and poly communities. Cal currently resides in San Francisco and is proud to serve his Sir of 5+ years. He is an active & visible participant in the SF gay leather/kink community.


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