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LDG Presents: Neigh Means Neigh


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LDG Presents: Neigh Means Neigh

  • Catalyst SF 1060 Folsom Street San Francisco, CA, 94103 United States (map)

If being kinky is doing what you aren’t supposed to do, in a way that doesn’t damage any of the participants, then anyone who thinks that San Francisco’s kink scene is dwindling hasn’t heard of the Horse Market. Inspired by the, you guessed it, German party of the same name, Horse Market is a party where bottoms, or ‘Mares’, arrive at a prescribed time, are hooded and distributed throughout the venue, then the tops, or ‘Stallions’, turn up and are ‘free’ to touch, fondle and fuck whomever they wish to.

Mares retain the right to refuse a Stallion, but the party overtly pushes the boundaries of consent, and very much indulges the fantasies of those who wish to have none and, in a post #metoo world, the popularity of this party is striking. It has been such a hit in San Francisco, Matthew Black has taken it to Chicago, DC, and coming very soon, Portland.

We’ll be talking to Matthew about his experience introducing Horse Market to America, what the biggest challenges have been, what it takes to organize a party that requires as much coordination as Horse Market and why he thinks the party has been so incredibly successful.


Matthew Black is a Bay Area native kinkster. He has been in the kink community for 9 years and loves hot passionate rough sex with men of all sizes, ages and colors. His love for kink started in 2010 when he attended his first Folsom Street Fair. He fell in love with what he saw and moved into the city a month later. Since then he has gone on to having countless kink connections, to visiting Berlin numerous times, to now traveling the U.S. throwing the wonderful Horse Market party. He is very sex positive and loves bringing that energy into the community. He loves helping men experience something they have always dreamed of, many of whom are too shy or ashamed to admit to wanting.