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LDG Recommends: Avatar LA's Q+A with Race Bannon


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LDG Recommends: Avatar LA's Q+A with Race Bannon


This month LDG is inviting you join us at Avatar LA’s program with Race Bannon. We’re taking September off and tuning in to this Q&A at the usual day and time.

Race Bannon has been an organizer, writer, educator, speaker and activist in the LGBT, leather/kink, polyamory and HIV/STI prevention realms since 1973.

He has authored two books, been published extensively, spoken to hundreds of audiences, created the world's largest kink-friendly psychotherapist and medical referral service, was a leader of The DSM Project that led to a beneficial change in the way psychotherapy views BDSM, founded a groundbreaking alternative sexuality publishing company, been an internet radio sex talk show host, received national and local awards, appeared in numerous documentaries, and has most recently written for the Bay Area Reporter, Recon and Drummer Magazine. His blog is

Event link:

Since 1983 Avatar has been providing leadership in education, health and safety by facilitating strategic collaborations and developing outreach programs to allow individuals to explore alternative expressions of sexuality in a safe environment. Learn more here: