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LDG Presents: Piercing for Play and Pleasure: Jim Ward and Paul King in Conversation


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LDG Presents: Piercing for Play and Pleasure: Jim Ward and Paul King in Conversation


For the first time, master piercers Jim Ward and Paul King will share their combined experience of body piercing, not as professional piercers, but as Leathermen. They’ll explore the various aspects and considerations for temporary and permanent piercings with an emphasis on kink. Important health and safety considerations will be covered before delving into more nuanced discussions of power and pleasure. This presentation is suitable for all experience levels.

About our Presenters:

Jim Ward was called “the granddaddy of the modern piercing movement” in 2004 by a MTV documentary entitled The Social History of Piercing. Jim is considered by many to be the person most responsible for creating, not just the movement, but the modern body piercing industry as well. In 1975, with the inspiration of his friend and mentor Doug Malloy, Jim opened Gauntlet, the first studio in the world dedicated solely to this form of body modification. He is responsible for developing and/or perfecting many of the tools, techniques, and jewelry designs that became industry standard. From there, the industry continues to evolve. In 1977, with the input of Doug and Fakir Musafar, Jim conceived and published Piercing Fans International Quarterly (PFIQ), the first and highly influential publication dedicated to body piercing. In 2011, Jim published his book, Running the Gauntlet—an Intimate History of the Modern Body Piercing Movement. To learn more about Jim please visit:

Paul King has been a professional Body Piercer since 1991 and an S/m enthusiast before that. Paul is Gauntlet trained and certified with an apprenticeship under Elayne Angel, author of The Piercing Bible. In 1996 Jim Ward, Founder of Gauntlet, awarded Paul with the honorary title of Master Piercer. In 1999, Paul partnered to create Cold Steel America, tattooing and piercing services in San Francisco. Paul is a member of the Association of Professional Piercers (APP) where he served as a board member and in 2007, he received the APP’s President’s Award. Currently, Paul is the board appointed CFO for the APP. Paul lectures at universities and conferences on various aspects of body modification. Paul has given play piercing demonstrations and lectures for Avatar, Threshold, Society of Janus (L.A.), Chicago Hellfire Club’s Inferno, Stonewall 25 (NYC), Atlanta SM Solidarity, Mr. S Leather, and SF Leathermen’s Discussion Group (LDG). In 2014, Paul received a BA in Anthropology with highest honors from UC Berkeley. To read Paul’s articles on piercing in issues of The Point, visit and for information on his documentary Rituals of life: The Phuket Vegetarian Festival, visit

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