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LDG Presents: Community Check In


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LDG Presents: Community Check In


As confinement fantasies go... 

we know this probably isn't the most fun you've ever had. In fact we know this is driving some of you bananas. None of us has a road map for this. While we're pretty clear about what not to do, here at LDG, we're still wondering what are the best things we could be doing, while we can't deliver our usual programs.

That's why, on Thursday, in place of the program featuring Scott from SquarePeg (postponed, not cancelled) we're inviting you to join us for a socially distant—online—discussion about how LDG can best serve you during this weird time. Which we suspect will remain weird beyond Easter Sunday, contrary to the delusions of you-know-who. We will be using Zoom to host this meeting.

To join us by computer, please click the link below just before 7:30pm on Thursday.

To join by phone:
Use one of these "One Tap" mobile links which will dial phone and enter the meeting ID automatically.
+16699006833,,331003652# US - San Jose
+13462487799,,331003652# US - Houston

We look forward to seeing you then, and in the meantime stay safe and stay indoors!

Please note:

• If you don't have Zoom installed, join a few minutes early, and you'll be prompted to install 

• The meeting will be recorded for our YouTube channel 

• Nudity is NOT allowed with your video on, because this will be recorded. You can keep your web cam off if nudity is essential.

• Mute your audio unless you are talking — we will need to minimize all background noise