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LDG Presents: Love in the Time of Corona


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LDG Presents: Love in the Time of Corona


Danny Thanh Nguyen – Byronic Punk – reads from his new book of personal essays on the intersection of leather/BDSM, queerness, and race—from the unique lens as child of refugees and as part of a generation gay men that came of age after the HIV/AIDS epidemic. Published in a variety of magazines, his stories tackle big questions about interpersonal relationships, gender, sex, class, survivalism, and community building through humorous and heartfelt analysis. Hear him present new work from his book-in-progress, which has earned support from the San Francisco Arts Commission and other artist foundations, and discuss literary life as a leatherman.

About our Presenter

Danny is a writer, whip enthusiast, and founding father of ONYX Northwest. His stories and essays have appeared in The Offing, The Journal, Gulf Coast, Foglifter, Entropy, and elsewhere. His writing has received awards and fellowships from Lambda Literary, Ragdale Foundation, Kundiman, and San Francisco Arts Commission. Danny is currently working on a book of essays examining his relationship to leather/BDSM through the lens of the generation that follows community-level trauma—especially parallels between Southeast Asian American refugees and queer survivors of HIV/AIDS. He writes a column on BDSM/kink skill development and leather culture for Recon and runs a social media persona project called Sluterary Thirsterature.

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