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LDG Presents: Every Grain of Sand - The Life and Adventures of David Wichman


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LDG Presents: Every Grain of Sand - The Life and Adventures of David Wichman


David Wichman has lived a life most of us can scarcely imagine. From the roughest of early years in Fremont CA, to a life of purpose that can verge on rockstardom.

10 years ago he started escorting, with no idea that it would give him such purpose in life. The experience of working with men who are disabled, elderly, recovering from trauma, or otherwise at the margins, opened his eyes to the universal human need for intimacy. That insight transformed a job into a mission of compassionate intimacy and healing. Fun and sexy encounters became profound experiences of wholeness and connection that have taken him to all 7 continents.

Join Leathermen’s Discussion Group for a conversation with this fascinating man about his life and adventures.