Please join the San Francisco Leathermen's Discussion Group for our May 2015 SF Eagle Beerbust. You know how these work - show up, pay $12, and get all the free beer or soda you want, a yummy fried chicken spread, plus we'll have jello shots available.
- We've been here since 1996
- We run entirely on donations and fundraisers.
- We're a board of 8 people, with an extended family/audience of hundreds.
- Each year produce about 10 programs of interest to the men's kink community and another 3 or 4 large events.
- We are 100% organic and macrobiotic (or not. but definitely local!)
- Read about our mission
- Help us out by volunteering for this or other events
- Help us out by setting up a one time or recurring donation via PayPal (We're a tax-deductible 501(c)3)
- or just come to our programs and beerbusts and have fun!
Here's what we have planned over the next few months...