LDG Folsom Street Fair Clothing Check
Sign up for 2 hour shifts to help with the clothes check. This may be the most fun way to experience the fair!
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Sign up for 2 hour shifts to help with the clothes check. This may be the most fun way to experience the fair!
To close down Fetish Fair Weekend 2016, join us at the SF Eagle for a beer and soda bust. We'll have jello shots and raffle off some great prizes.
Shifts are an easy 2 hours, where folks will get naked, and then give us money to keep a secure watch over their clothes for the day.
BLUF SF's legendary pre-Dore gear dinner at Don Ramon's has generously named LDG the event beneficiary again. BLUF is keeping the sexy spirit of kink and leather alive with monthly events, and this is the grandaddy of them all. Please support BLUF, and help LDG a bit too by coming out to celebrate with us! Tickets are available through Eventbrite.
Although he died in 1991, his art work is, arguably, even more popular today than when he was alive and he continues to inspire and excite men even now.
To finish off Fetish Fair Weekend 2015, we hope you will join us at The SF Eagle for suds and soda and food and fun!
Stompers Boots takes an active part in the life of the city of San Francisco. Up Your Alley Fair takes place at their front door. In support of the events of Dore Weekend, Stompers has planned Boots, Bourbon & Cigars. Boots, Bourbon & Cigars will follow the BLUF SF Leather Dinner on July 23rd. Boots, Bourbon & Cigars is a benefit for the SFLDG.
Join us! Eat with Gear Men and Support LDG!
The men of BLUF are delighted to welcome LDG as the sole charitable beneficiary of this year's In Gear dinner -- keeping kink dollars in the kink community. It's on Thursday, July 23rd at Don Ramon's Mexican Restaurant, is co-hosted by Stompers Boots, and sponsored by Daddy's Barbershop.
Please join the San Francisco Leathermen's Discussion Group for our May 2015 SF Eagle Beerbust. You know how these work - show up, pay $12, and get all the free beer or soda you want, a yummy fried chicken spread, plus we'll have jello shots available.
Have you ever wanted to see the creative dungeons guys have created in their homes? This is your chance! We will visit 3 private home dungeons in the city. Each stop will have live models "in action" for your viewing enjoyment.
Van transportation will be provided between locations with a starting point in the Castro. This is a fundraiser for LDG and tickets will be limited.
Tickets will be available online starting February 12, check back here for details..
Drop your pants for a good cause. This clothing check benefits us, and GearUp Weekend. We'll keep any item—a big bag, a jacket, a helmet, a bicycle—for just $5, all day. Yeah, you get in and out privileges. LITERALLY. ;)
If you want a fun place to chill out and have fun with hot guys, then volunteer with us to help out. We'll have a great spread of food and soft drinks. It's always a blast!
Come out and enjoy beer, boys, Sirs, kinksters, a 50/50 raffle, maybe a little hanky panky, and lots more on Pink Saturday - June 28th, 3-6pm at The SF Eagle.