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LDG Presents: Our Kink Journeys—Mentoring in a Leatherman's Development

Each of us has a particular, unique, journey when it comes to living our Leather, kink, and fetish lives. We have low points, high points, turning points—and holding spaces that mark our identities as Leathermen.  We will hear from six mentors and mentees from the LDG Mentoring Program as they share their kink journeys, and the role of mentoring in those journeys. This is a time to honor and reflect on the importance of personal guides, past lovers, and people who took us under their wing. We will end with a discussion of what is common across these life stories, and some announcements regarding the 2022 LDG Mentoring cycle.

Presenters: Richard Sprott, head of the LDG Mentoring Program; a panel of past mentors and mentees

LDG is back in person at Catalyst SF! We are requiring proof of vaccination.

Learn more about the LDG Mentoring program and view the application.

Presenter Bio

Richard Sprott entered the San Francisco leather scene in 1990.  He served on the Board of Leathermen’s Discussion Group from 1999 until 2006; he has been leading the LDG Mentoring program since 2012.  Richard has a Ph.D. in developmental psychology from UC Berkeley, and conducts scientific research on kink identity and health.  He has a wonderful leather family supporting him:  his husband Dave (together 21 years), his pup Spunky (collared for 16 years), his dog Chomper (collared for 15 years), his slave eric (collared for 9 years), his slave lyle (collared for 7 years), his slave jason (collared for 5 years), and slave #3468 (collared for 3 years).

Guidelines for in-person programs

Proof of vaccination will be required.

We’re excited to see you in person next week and, of course, everyone’s health is our top priority. LDG is following SF Department of Public Health Guidelines for indoor events and ask that you cooperate with the following rules:

  • Proof of completed vaccination required. Please bring your ID and vaccine card or electronic record.

  • Presenters will be taking their masks off for the presentation, but we ask attendees to keep their masks on if not actively eating or drinking.

  • We will keep the back door open and fans on for ventilation, so bring a hoodie or jacket if you get cold.

Can’t wait to see your masked face!

Live streaming pro-tip

Since LDG won’t be using Zoom this month, we're live streaming on our YouTube channel:

Subscribe and tap the bell to be notified when we go live. You should be able to send comments and questions there as well.