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LDG Presents: An Evening with Patrick Mulcahey


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LDG Presents: An Evening with Patrick Mulcahey

  • San Francisco United States (map)

This month, LDG is excited to turn the tables on one of our former Program Directors - Patrick Mulcahey. Join us for a free-wheeling discussion of Patrick’s history in Leather, his trove of experiences, and thoughts on the current state of the community.

By day Mr Mulcahey is a multi-Daytime Emmy Award Winning television writer. Off the clock he channels his own passion into speaking and writing on Leather, BDSM, and Master/slave topics. He has been a columnist for Leatherati, the Society of Janus newsletter Growing Pains, and is frequently a keynote speaker, panelist, and judge at Leather conferences and contests nationally. He is a past Program Director for San Francisco Leathermen’s Discussion Group, past Chapter Director of MAsT-San Francisco, and most recently served on the Board of Directors of Butchmanns, Inc. Past honors include the Leatherman’s Heart Award, Bay Area Leather Alliance Man of the Year, the National Leather Association Lifetime Achievement Award, and the Master Jack McGeorge Excellence in Education Award. He now lives with his slave in the North Cascade Mountains of Washington state.

"Without fail, every time Patrick writes or utters words from a stage, I am in awe. The brain inside Patrick’s head is, for me, a communal treasure that needs preservation and a wider audience."

Race Bannon's words, found here, along with a select baker's dozen of Mr Mulcahey's speeches and writings.


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