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SFLDG + Avatar LA Present: The Centaurs M.C. and Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend


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SFLDG + Avatar LA Present: The Centaurs M.C. and Mid-Atlantic Leather Weekend

LDG and Avatar are honored to double team this one. The Centaurs are a storied motorcycle club who just celebrated their 51st Anniversary, and are perhaps best known as the hosts of MAL. We hope you'll join us for this bi-coastal threeway, it should be sexy and informative.

Joining us via Zoom will be Todd White, Past-President & Contest Coordinator; and Patrick Grady, MAL Coordinator.

About the club:

"A group of men with an enthusiastic interest in motorcycles, leather, and we have to own up to it, leaning toward homosexual and S/M sex, got together on May 10, 1970 and formed a club on the model of others in cities across the United States and Europe. Examples from Los Angeles The Satyrs, and Motorsport Club Amsterdam suggested a framework for such a club to build on, and under the initial leadership of Ron Barret, The Centaur Motorcycle Club was established in Richmond, Virginia, and the distinctive and striking emblem of the white centaur displaying the banner with CENTAUR emblazoned on it, over the Richmond identification below, soon became a recognized and respected icon."


LDG and Avatar Present: The Centaur Motorcycle Club (+MAL)

Time: Jun 23, 2021 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 868 9260 8439

Passcode: 115044