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LDG Presents: Re-Entering our Worlds, A community discussion with Cal Domingue, MA, LMFT


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LDG Presents: Re-Entering our Worlds, A community discussion with Cal Domingue, MA, LMFT

Re-entering community and beginning to play again will be joyful, even ecstatic; healing and connecting in ways we've missed desperately. But how should we move through this new post-covid world, how can we? Amidst the joy the social trauma is ongoing, no one can know for sure the full scope of its impact.

Beyond the increased socialization there are now vaccinated-only events, open play parties, new strains, localized surges of infection rates, and even travel is back in the mix. So many good things at our finger tips, as well as unknown risks lurking at the edges.

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Cal Domingue will join Program Director Jay Harcourt to discuss the varied urges and impulses we have to manage in this ever shifting landscape. Please bring your questions and reflections to this vital dialog, we'd love to hear from you.

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