Fetish Fair 2016: Beer Bust at The SF Eagle
To close down Fetish Fair Weekend 2016, join us at the SF Eagle for a beer and soda bust. We'll have jello shots and raffle off some great prizes.
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To close down Fetish Fair Weekend 2016, join us at the SF Eagle for a beer and soda bust. We'll have jello shots and raffle off some great prizes.
Grab lunch and hang out before we head to the SF Eagle for beer bust. If you haven't been to The Market, its pretty neat - its a cross between an upscale market, a deli, and several different restaurants. Come grab food wherver suits you, and then join us on the patio or by the firepit - don't forget a sweatshirt!
After the LDG Fetish Fair Weekend 2016: Fetish Fair, we turn the dungeon over to the men of GearUp Weekend for a sexy night in the dungeon. Gearup is an annual weekend camp in Northern California which specifically offers a great space for new and experienced kinksters who identify as men to learn and play. They also host regular play parties. Come meet Gearup, and play in San Francisco's largest dungeon.
Join us for an evening of scenes hosted by men's play and social groups in San Francisco, sponsored in part by the SF Bay Area Leather Alliance: http://leatheralliance.org/
Whips in the Park is a fun, social hangout near the playground/bathrooms at Duboce Park. Join Daddyr Robert and the folks from SFLDG - San Francisco Leathermen's Discussion Group for this peer to peer whips skills demonstration. We'll have a few extra whips to try, and lots of folks on hand to show their techniques, tips, and tricks to playing with single tails. We will even have some target practice games—but no people, since that would scare the neighbors. If folks look concerned, usually for their children, we just tell them we are super heroes gearing up for the fight ;)
Please join YLDG: SF Young Leathermens Discussion Group and SFLDG - San Francisco Leathermen's Discussion Group for a happy hour hangout at Mr-S-Leather. Mr. S has generously helped LDG thrive by donating their space for our programs since 2012.
To finish off Fetish Fair Weekend 2015, we hope you will join us at The SF Eagle for suds and soda and food and fun!
Join us for a pre-beerbust lunch at The Market at 10th Street and Market Street. There will be a wide array of food options available for any palate! (We did this at the Soma Food Truck Park last year, but this year they're doing a vegan event, so... no. Leathermen. Vegan. Just didn't work.)
After food, we will head to The Eagle to cap off Fetish Fair Weekend 2015.
Right after LDG's legendary Fetish Fair, stick around and join the men of Gear Up at their play party to try out some of the fun kinky lessons you learned! Come and play in San Francisco's largest dungeon space!
Come in to our steamy dungeon filled with hot scenes we think you might not see elsewhere. But unlike a play party where you may watch but not speak, this is all about learning, so you are encouraged to chat up the Doms and their subs during and after!
The Fetish Fair is generously sponsored by Joe's Barbershop.
Join Daddy Robert for peer demonstrations and games. Share different whip techniques, show off your interesting whips, and have fun in the sun (with any luck!). Listen for the sounds of the whips!
Please note: this is a whip skills event in public - it wouldn't be appropriate (or legal) to use your whips on other people. Please be respectful of the kids, dogs, and non-kinky folks who will also be sharing the park with us.
Join the Folks of LDG and YLDG for a meet and greet at San Francisco's Powerhouse Bar.
The Leathermen’s Discussion Group Folsom Fetish Fair is a kinky educational exposition presented by and for men, with novices to BDSM in mind. Fetish Fair returns to The Citadel @ 181 Eddy St in downtown San Francisco. Kinky adult allies of all genders are welcome to attend.
If you've never attended, you should try it. This is a fun and traditional Folsom Week community event, with plenty of hot demos and scenes. It isn't a sex party, or even a BDSM play party. But you'll be able to get close and intimate to see real players playing in a real play space, and ask questions of the very experienced presenters and demo bottoms.
An experienced mix of Fetish Fair veterans, newcomers, Doms, subs, local favorites, and leather titleholders will return to this year’s roster of kinky presenters. Hosted by NorCal Leatherboy 2013 Element Eclipse, expect 20+ demos ranging from bondage to blood sports. As always, expect some very sexy fun, breathtaking play, and a few very special guests.
Fetish wear is encouraged (but not required). Admission is free to adults over 18. This event is free. However it's our most expensive program to produce. Our presenters donate their time but the venue, refreshments, and incidentals add up. Donations are very welcome to support this educational programming of San Francisco Leathermen’s Discussion Group.
(PLEASE NOTE: photography will not be permitted except by our official event photographers.)
The Leathermen's Discussion Group Folsom Fetish Fair is a kinky educational exposition presented by and for men, with novices to BDSM in mind. This year's Fetish Fair will be held at the New Citadel, 181 Eddy St in downtown San Francisco and kinky adult allies of all genders are welcome to attend.
(PLEASE NOTE: photography will not be permitted except by our official event photographers.)
Fakir Musafar, who mesmerized us last year with his spiritual branding demo, will be our featured guest once again displaying his amazing photography accompanied with a slide show. An experienced mix of Fetish Fair veterans, newcomers, Doms, subs and leather titleholders will round out this year's roster of kinky presenters. Our 20+ demos will also include hometown favorites showing you how it’s done, including: Japanese bondage, body impact play, medieval metal bondage, whipping, spanking and paddling, singletail, electrical play (including the electric butt plug & violet wand), hot wax play, CBT, mummification, fisting, play piercing and more. SF’s K9 Unit will have a puppy pen and RMSF (Rubbermen of SF) will have a rubber show & tell.
LDG's Fetish Fair 2012 is generously underwritten by Mr. San Francisco Leather 2012, Jessie Vanciel. Thank you, Jessie!
Fetish wear is encouraged (but not required). Admission is free to adults over 18, but donations are always welcome in support of the educational programming of San Francisco Leathermen's Discussion Group.
More Gear, Kink, Leather & Fetish than ever before! The SF Leathermens Discussion Group’s 8th annual Fetish Fair is going to be over the top this year…internationally known Fakir Musafar will be doing spiritual branding, Tony Buff of Fetish Force will be tying and using his boys, Nick Moretti will be Topping on the fucking machine and Leo Forte will be wrestling to win!
Demos will also include hometown favorites showing you how it’s done, including: Japanese bondage, body impact play, medieval metal bondage, whipping, spanking and paddling, single tail, electrical play including the electric butt plug & violet wand, hot wax play, CBT, mummification, fisting, play piercing and more.
SF’s K9 Unit will have a full puppy pen and RMSF (Rubber men of SF) will have an amazing rubber show & tell. There will be a coat/clothes check and beverage table for your comfort and convenience. Fetish wear is encouraged (but not required).
The Folsom Fetish Fair is presented by and for men, with especially novices to BDSM in mind. Of course, all of our kinky allies are welcome to attend. The event is FREE, though a $ 5 - 10 donation is encouraged to support SF LDG and our education outreach programs.
Sponsored by: SF Leather Alliance, Blow Buddies, Folsom Street Events, Mr. S-Leather, Instigator Magazine, Kink.com & Naked Kombat, Fetish Force, RMSF (Rubber Men of SF), The 15 Association, STOP AIDS Project, The Edge Bar and Hell Hole.