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LDG Presents: Ass Play: a Healthy Perspective on Self-Pleasure


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LDG Presents: Ass Play: a Healthy Perspective on Self-Pleasure


Whether it’s practiced occasionally or daily, ass play has the potential to affect our health and well-being in significant ways. Scott Douglas from SquarePegToys® brings a coherent perspective to help you better tune-in with your body and put your mind at ease to focus on your ass play. As there is already so much information available on self-pleasure, Scott presents this forum so we may dig deeper into things not commonly discussed, and to entertain questions you might not have been able to find resolution for elsewhere, all in the unapologetically frank style he is known for. You’re almost certain to come away with some fresh perspectives on this sport so many of us enjoy, even if you just like watching from the sidelines!

More information available at:

About our Presenter:

Scott Douglas has been actively involved in Leather since his 20s, and putting things in his butt much longer than that. He embarked on a career in production pottery out of college and is self-taught in ceramics and mold making, which auspiciously prepared him for the adventure that was to later become his life’s work.

From the start, his innovations in design and fabrication, coupled with a strong education element, forever changed the way dildos were perceived and was instrumental in carving out a space for other creative brands to flourish. Today, SquarePegToys® finds itself to be among the most influential and most copied toy companies on the planet. Yet another way the spirit of Leather has influenced mainstream culture in significant ways.

He has actively supported the Leather community throughout his career: CLAW – master sponsor 20 years running, serving 6 years on the Board, Inferno - multiple years; SF K9 Patrol, Woof Camp IML - 8 years, International Puppy, Mafia, NCSF and many others.

In the historic traditions of Leather, when tools were not available to simply be bought online and we had to make our own, Scott simply learned to craft the toys he needed to quench that hunger that wasn’t being met with what was available at the time. The business we see as Square Peg grew organically from that, and it’s this same spirit of self-discovery that the brand still embodies after 23 years.


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