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LDG Presents: ONYX Northwest on BLM and COVID-19


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LDG Presents: ONYX Northwest on BLM and COVID-19


Join us Wednesday, June 24th, 2020 and listen in, as the Brothers of ONYX Northwest engage in a panel conversation discussing the intersectionality of POC Leathermen within Black Lives Matter social justice movement and COVID-19 public health crisis.

The first segment will be dedicated to Black Lives Matter, Black Queer Lives Matter, Black Trans Lives Matter and how it relates to us as Kinksters living in the US. For the second segment, we'll be providing a shame-free space discussing sex and kink during COVID-19; and the many ways brothers are navigating sex from utilizing toys solo to video chats to COVID buddies/pods.

This will be a dialogue centering on BIPOC voices and how ONYX Northwest brothers are navigating and supporting each other through the BLM movement and pandemic, so we are asking that questions be submitted prior to the start of the event for review and consideration by the moderator. No questions can be considered after the event starts.

The panel will consist of Brothers from the Northwest Chapter of ONYX.

Panel will include Trey Onyx, Mr. SF Leather 2019 and President of ONYX Northwest Chapter


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Meeting ID: 811 8743 0569
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Meeting ID: 811 8743 0569