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LDG Presents: An Evening with Guy Baldwin


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LDG Presents: An Evening with Guy Baldwin

Connection, physical touch, all the things gay men have repeatedly been told not to do en masse—for various reasons—in the last fifty years; they are being told not to do again. Refreshingly so is everyone else this time, but still.

Ironically this virus, while capable of being deadly to anyone of any age or gender, is most dangerous to the survivors of the last epidemic—older men with compromised immune systems. As with any epidemic, the toll isn’t merely on the physical health of the infected, it is on the mental health of us all. What's more, evidence suggests that it is men aged 18 to 43 who are finding these isolating times the most challenging.

Given all that, we thought who better to talk to than someone who has more than a few times in his life, in more than a few ways, helped to lead his people - leathermen and kinksters, through difficult times—Guy Baldwin.

We’ll speak to Guy from his home in LA, and pick his brains on how we get through this without making it worse for ourselves, as we once again deal not only with managing our own needs and the risks we’re prepared to take to meet them, but also vastly diverse views on what constitutes responsible, respectful behavior and what doesn’t.


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